UGi - Ultimate Global Innovations


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Eckö unltd.
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The original street wear brand, ECKO UNLTD. represented more than just any one person, graffiti culture, or fashion. It became the alter-ego of generations of artists and outsiders, sub-cultures and counter cultures. Today, ECKO UNLTD. has grown into a powerful globally recognized brand. We continue to lead the charge, impacting the landscape of street wear culture by remaining aware and in-tune with emerging trends and talent.


Since 1993, ECKO UNLTD. has been a global leader in youth culture. Representing a generation without boundaries, the brand successfully fuses music, design, streetwear, illustration, video games, action sports and more. Today, the brand remains in a class of its own with an uninhibited pulse on emerging trends and talent.

It began on the streets, on the train cars, on the brick facades of cities across the globe. For individuals, rebels, artists to speak their mind, expose their truth, unleash their creativity and de-face the status quo and through all the noise, one symbol swelled to represent all — THE ECKO RHINO